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Davide Filippi
5th US Army. 34th Division (June 28, 1944-July 7, 1944)
Davide Filippi will take you “by the hand” to visit the battle sites in Cecina.Filippi’s book identifies with extreme precision all the areas in which war events took place, offering accurate documentation and photographs as proof of what really happened during those horrifying days in the area between Cecina and Leghorn. Some fierce face-offs, military tactics and equipment witnessed the battles fought between the Allies and the retreating German forces, writing a page of our national history which still remains unknown, though fully comparable to what happened in the surroundings of the Montecassino Abbey and, further north, along the well-known Gothic line.
Cecina: a strategic coastal town in the eyes of the Allies, a river and a natural defense line for the withdrawing German troops. Bombings and fire lines across the area called “la piccola Cassino”.
Historical documents, photographs and data used to depict one of the lesser-known and recounted World War II events.
Davide Filippi was born in Pisa in 1967. The author lives in Cecina, in the province of Leghorn.
In collaboration with Prof. Serena De Luca, Davide Filippi published the study “Dalla terra alla storia. Santa Luce nelle colline pisane. Insediamenti e viabilità dalle origini al secolo XV” (Pacini publisher). The paper received positive feedbacks by several academic institutions and is still used as a reference point for further studies. Filippi also published “Le battaglie in Val di Fine. Il contingente Brasiliano F.E.B. a Vada. Le battaglie da Castellina Marittima, fino ad Orciano Pisano nel luglio 1944. L’uso di droghe” (Phasar publisher).
This historical page, like many others, is inexplicably one of the least known.
Prezzo: 32,00
ISBN: 978-88-6358-614-5
Anno pubblicazione: 2020
Genere: Storia
ultime Novità
- Arte, Architettura e Tecniche artistiche
- Cinema, tv e spettacolo
- Astrologia ed Esoterismo
- Cucina
- Economia e Management
- Fantascienza, Fantasy e Horror
- Formazione docenti
- Fitness e Benessere
- Filosofia e Psicologia
- Fumetti
- Geografia, viaggi e guide
- Letteratura e Poesia
- Libri per ragazzi
- Linguistica, dizionari e ricerche storiche
- Manuali tecnici
- Musica
- Narrativa
- Religione
- Saggistica
- Società, politica e comunicazione
- Salute e Medicina
- Sport e Hobby
- Storia
- Ufo, Paranormale e Misteri