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Marco Radice, Chiara Zamariola

Lasiuly Moore (English Version)

Look where you've never looked before, see where others do not see.

Young, beautiful, magnetic, Lasiuly has convinced dozens of managers forced to focus on goals and issues arising from the global crisis. Inspired by Daniel Goleman, a famous American psychologist and writer, who coined the term 'emotional intelligence', Lasiuly is the perfect interpreter of many Goleman’s thoughts, and she cultivates them like flowers in a garden.
Of course, her speaking and communication skills help her a lot, but there is something more than her words: something in her eyes, in her attitude, something in that red string bracelet that her friend Virginia had tied on her wrist on September 27…
She is hands down one of the most popular manager trainers in Manhattan and she has a mission to accomplish. It is now time to share her story with the rest of the world. Not necessarily through words, or through her notebooks, which, however, will always be a source of inspiration for her, wisdom in her pocket, her book of memories and her personal oxygen. It is now time to take action, and turn her projects into reality.
On tiptoes things happen, if you really want it. This is Lasiuly’s truth…

Marco Radice
The Manager of an American multinational company, he works basically 24 hours a day, so he had to make a virtue out of necessity, trying to achieve a balance between his career and his personal life.
Far from any Comfort Zone, he is pragmatic, inspired by the Blue Ocean strategy, and always willing to explore new challenges and new emotions.
He definitely knows the art of making things happen, he is goal oriented and he always gets excellent results.
He often travels for business, in particular to the US.
He loves Manhattan, especially in December, when the majestic Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree, the Tree of Dreams, turns into a rainbow of lights. He has visited Manhattan several times, and if you look into his eyes, you realize “he is still there, in Manhattan”.
So, under a starry sky, his romantic, positive and creative thinking stands out.

Chiara Zamariola
The Manager of a European multinational company, she works with passion focusing on improvement, and she is more than happy to spend her time attending training courses.
She is an incredibly good listener, and she likes observing people and their interactions "with no glasses". She travels a lot for business, also abroad, and she loves it because travelling means new experiences, in terms of both personal and professional relationships.
She always carry a glitter lipstick and her dreams in her bag. A glitter lipstick to make life sparkle, and dreams, because she knows how much it is important to take care of dreams, if you want them to come true. She knows the value of positive thinking.
She loves London, and she takes a flight to spend a few days there as soon as she can.
Some nights, she finds time to play with her thousand colored pencils and anything can happen...

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Prezzo: 12,00
Prezzo ebook: 4,99
ISBN: 978-88-6358-504-9
Anno pubblicazione: 2019
Genere: Narrativa




Jacopo Serricchio

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