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Gianni Donati, Enrico Giustiniani
The black vein. The Michelangelo mystery
A "magnetic" statue, which remained intact during the passage of the Landsknechts in the sixteenth century, then of the Jacobin hordes, of Napoleon's troops but, above all, of General Kesserling's Nazis... Why?The diary of a revolutionary Corsican priest, who lived in the 17th century, tells the story of a Christ Carrying the Cross begun by Michelangelo and then abandoned by him because of the presence of a "black vein" which appeared in the white marble at the level of the face. The statue was later finished in 1620 by a young Gian Lorenzo Bernini on behalf of the Marquis Vincenzo Giustiniani. In 1644 it was taken to the Church of San Vincenzo in Bassano Romano and there it remained forgotten and ignored until 1999 when it was finally attributed to Michelangelo.
Interwoven with the story of the statue will be a tale of love between a young ex-prostitute named Clelia and Gian Lorenzo Bernini.
In the summer of 2016, two young people: Åsa and Davide, with the help of an elderly abbot, will reconnect the broken threads that linked a great discovery and an unfinished love story that will have a final act of resurrection...
Enrico Giustiniani (Rome 1966), chartered accountant, publicist, is the editor of the website
Gianni Donati (Monteroni d'Arbia - Siena, 1955) is a primary school teacher. He made his debut in fiction with the historical thriller Fatimaddalena [De Ferrari, Genoa 2011]. His second book Il fuoco dell'odio [Bookabook, Milano 2020] is the prologue to this story.
Prezzo: 14,00
ISBN: 978-88-6358-849-1
Anno pubblicazione: 2024
Genere: Narrativa
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